Saturday, October 11, 2008


This is Laurier with Donovan in the ICU following transplant, Sept 13. Donovan is breathing with the assistance of the respirator which was removed on Day 3. At one point there were seven I.V. pumps delivering various medications to Donovan. We had to mask, gown & glove before entering his room, not to protect Donovan, as we thought, but because Donovan had come from another hospital, and they were concerned about the possible spread of germs from there...


Deb said...

Donovan looks wonderful! I am so excited that you are out of the hospital. I remember the day we walked out of the hospital after Christena's transplant. It was an amazing day. A day of new beginnings. She has been living life ever since!! Donovan, take each day and live it to the fullest! You have so many exciting days ahead. Enjoy!!
Believing in HIM,
Debra Gabehart
(Christena's Transplant Journey)

Petra said...

Hey Beth,Dono,Laurier....
really enjoyed the pics...shared them with Pete and the kids.....Dono's facial growth is quite impressive........
I'm 44 and he can grow a better goat than me......well, than again I guess I haven't really finished growing up yet...just ask my wife.

God bless.


Unc' R.. said...

Beth and family. Though Darlene & I have not made direct contact with you we have been in touch with He who controls all. By prayer and whatever else it takes to make a person whole in body and spirit. We are so happy to see Donovan, you and Laurier looking so well. Donovan has been in our prayers for many years and will continue to be. I can give only a small bit of encouragement.. having walked only a small portion of the path that donovan is on.. Keep positive. Tell people around you how you feel good or not so good. tell them you love them every day..

Unc' R..

Unknown said...

How wonderful to see the photos! Donovan looks fantastic! Wow God is so good, it is such a blessing to witness this miracle and I am excited for how Donovan's life is going to be so very different than it has been for all these years. What an amazing journey and what a privilege to join in prayer with all those others who have prayed for this miracle and now have the joy of seeing it walked out. :)

Love & Prayers, DEB