Monday, December 15, 2008

Just letting you know whats happening. A post by Donovan

ahh, well, okay. Just a little set back.

So you have all heard from my mom that we have had our first little setback. And like all good doctors should, they did prepare us all along to expect these things every now and then. So no big surprise to us, although a little dissapointing because we were all looking forward to being home, but at the same time we have already been here this long, so a little longer doesn't seem so bad and especially since we have had all this support along the way.

So they have Identified this this fungus, (it's called scopulariopsis) as you already know, but they are still having a lot of trouble getting its Sensitivities, so they just decided instead of waiting they are going to "throw the book at me". which is a little overwelhming at times. They have me on (and excuse my spelling) Amphoteracin a 2 1/2 hour antibiotic (that looks just like Orange Juice) which you have to have a Saline bolus beforehand, 1000Mls over an hour to protect my kidneys, and then the Ampho and then a D5w solution to flush because the ampho is not compatible with saline, then they have me on Caspofungin for the fungus as well, and that's a half hour, then they have me on 3 oral antibioics (one liquid that tastes like minty chalk, and two other pills) two for the fungus and one (cipro) for my newly cultured pseudomonus, and then another IV antibioic Cephtazadine for the psuedo as well. So my morning to late afternoon is filled with all of these, but then I have most of the day off to go wander and do exercises (which I havn't been able to get to yet)

Today I had another bronchoscopy. It went very smoothly. while I was getting an IV started the very nice lady doing the Bronch said I was very alert, calm and curious about the Bronch last time and they allowed me to sit up slightly and watch the screen. I had no idea all that had happened! So she asked if I wanted to "see the pictures again" I said sure why not! Now I kind of find this ridiculous because I won't remember and I don't remember actually,(because of the amnesic inducing drugs they use) but I kind of figure it would be calming to be involved in the procedure rather than just trying to hold still for a half hour.

So it looks more and more like I will be here for Christmas, which I am a little dissapointed about but, meh, seeing people here that I know have been here before I even showed up kind of humbles you and makes you look on the brighter side of things.
For example I still feel fairly good, I don't have a cough, fever or any pain. which was just explained to me today, it's because the Immuno-surpressants kind of hide those symtoms. I have my dad here as well and he's a great supporter! Thanks dad! I also for the moment have a private bedroom and free TV! keep that on the DL though because the TV generals will come at a moment's notice and take it away!

Anyways, well I just thought I would give you all my spin on things.

Hope your pre-Christmas plans are going swell!



spookycat said...

this is a test

spookycat said...

Hey Donny, my test worked!! I have trouble posting on this thing.

Anyway you sound pretty upbeat about things. I know you are so anxious to get home, so are we. We all miss you so much and can't wait to see you but we know you are where you need to be right now. We will save you some turkey and treats. The only gift we want is you home for good. I know God is looking after you and will send you home soon. We are still doing the happydance as Auntie Lenny says.
See you soon, Love Auntie Jewel