Wednesday, January 7, 2009


That is the nick-name of the drug of choice used to treat Scopulariopsis, the name of Donovan's fungus. it's nasty stuff, and has barrage of side-effects, much like chemotherapy. The idea is to give it as long as the patient can take it.

The last week it's been difficult to watch as the life gets sucked out of Donovan, much like a balloon deflating. He looks a little now like he did pre-transplant. The color is gone from his face, he moves in slow motion, has little appetite,and wants to sleep a good portion of the day. So frustrating....he's losing weight.

There was a ray of sunshine today as Dr. Lein told us his last x-ray looked normal! A consult with infectious diseases suggested cutting back on the ampho so that he could take it longer. So,as of tomorrow we are down to 200ml from 300, and hopefully the dark & gloomies will back away....(depression, not people)....

We're really hoping the next CT will show more clearing of fungus, and the next bronch will be even more improved. Donovan can get passes, even overnight passes, but it's too hard to go out when you have zero energy.

However, we soldier on, and today Donovan got to the gym for a treadmill workout,something that's been too difficult this last while. I'm hoping to snag him home to make some Taco Soup with me later today....should chase away the winter chills! He also needs to fix the computer for me, which says I'm disconnected from the internet.

Soooo, we keep praying, and God keeps meeting our needs. Blessing each one of you who are lifting us up to the Throne....


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